sâmbătă, 15 mai 2010

"Imnul vietii" - Maica Tereza de Calcutta

Am ceva pentru voi, astazi. Am descoperit aceasta poezie prin intermediul surorii mele. Cititi-o de mai multe ori. Aprofundati-o! Sunt sigur ca de fiecare data veti descoperi lucruri noi!
         Viata e o oportunitate, profita de ea!
         Viata este frumusete, admir-o!
         Viata este bucurie, gust-o din plin!
         Viata este un vis, fa sa devina realitate!
         Viata e o indatorire, implineste-o!
         Viata e un joc, joaca-l!
         Viata e pretioasa, ai grija de ea!
         Viata e bogatie, pazeste-o!
         Viata e dragoste, bucura-te de ea!
         Viata e un mister, descopera-l!
         Viata e o promisiune, implineste-o!
         Viata e tristete, invinge-o!
         Viata este un imn, canta-l!
         Viata e o lupta, accept-o!
         Viata e aventura, risca!
         Viata e fericire, merit-o!
         Viata e VIATA, ocroteste-o!

Un comentariu:

  1. Today, when I was at work, I had a sort of revelation. I realised life is very precious only if we help people around us. How? There are many posibilities, for each of us. In a flash, I experienced that EVERYTHING THAT IS IN MY SOUL: JOY, PAIN, DECEPTION, RESPONSABILY, FEAR, HOPE, INSTABILITY, IS A REAL TREASURE, BECAUSE FROM HERE I TAKE THE STRENGHT AND THE COURAGE TO GO ON. People need me exactely how I am, so I trully realised that I HAVE TO TRANSFORM ALL THESE FEELINGS AND MOODS IN SOMETHING GOOD.
    I really discovered a big secret today.Life is the opportunity to make people happy, managing our own emotions in a positive way.And acting like that, we will succeed fulfilling the 2 most important aims of our life: building ourselves and make happy the persons around us and those from our way!


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