Sting said that, and it is perfectly true. So if you feel that you have been "unjusted" and are looking for 'justice', you may be looking for the wrong thing. What would happen if you sought love instead? And what would happen if you gave love instead of seeking it?
This might require a bit of forgiveness. Yet if you start with yourself, if you begin by forgiving yourself for all the things you may have done that were not okay with another, you will find it much easier for forgive another for what was done that is not okay with you.
It's just a thought...
Love, Your Friend...
Aoleuuu....mai impietrit omule...cu cat talent poti sa ai :)...esti fantastic..
RăspundețiȘtergereStii ceva?....sa nu renunti niciodata la cariera de artist...se vede ca ai o pasiune data de Dumnezeu...si nu trebuie sa o risipesti.
Eu am facut asta...si am sa regret mereu. Dar vezi?...nu suntem toti niste luptatori pana la capat.
Pe tine te vad mai mult decat un luptator....ai talentul in sange....totul vine natural...
Am sa stau cu ochii pe tine, sa-ti urmaresc evolutia :)
Succese nationale si internationale iti doresc :)
@criss: eeh...nu...exagerezi...:"> multumesc inca o data. vom discuta si despre risipirea talentului tau imediat..ca vad ca ai regrete despre ce a fost si nu ai de ce:-? nu e timpul pierdut pentru nimic.
RăspundețiȘtergerenice to meet you..
RăspundețiȘtergere:) tine o asa..
me too>:D<