...that you need to read more. No, really. You need to read more. There's a book right now waiting to be read by you.
Do you think this book has come into your awareness by accident? It has been placed before you by your Consciousness. Go get it. Read it. Make margin notes. Do it now.
Sometimes Life jumps out at you with its message, fairly screaming at you: get this. This is one of those times. I'm telling you, there's a book you've been scheduled to read right now. Don't ignore the schedule. It's Divine Intervention.
Love, Your Friend....
Ce sa zic, am inceput o carte si de cand au incetat ploile am lasat-o deoparte.
RăspundețiȘtergere"Luni de fiere" de Pascal Bruckner. E interesanta dar profit de soare acum, cat il mai avem. Eventual o mai deschis seara dar, sincer, prea putin. Altfel n-as mai avea timp sa citesc atatea bloguri :">
:-? da..si eu am inceput mai multe carti. seara mai citesc, dar cam rar in ultima vreme. tre sa scap de tv..cred ca-l arunc pe geam.
RăspundețiȘtergeredepinde de starea care o am...daca sunt asa, mai bleg, citesc ceva relaxant..dau drumul la muzica lenta...si imi vad de treaba acolo...
daca sunt mai bine dispus citesc ceva care ma ajuta sa devin si mai bine dispus:))
cam asa e la mine..si ai dreptate:X la ce soare e acum, parca nu-ti vine sa stai sa citesti8-> cand ploua mai repede iti vine sa iei o carte in mana:X :*