miercuri, 18 august 2010

Message for now!

On this day of your life, My friend, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you are a pure child of God, beautiful in your innocence -- and
That this is true no matter what you may have done.

There is no offense you could ever commit that can rob you of your
magnificence, or of the wonder of who you are. Gosh, Eliot Spitzer's
drama has brought up a lot of stuff for all of us, hasn't it? Yet who
among us hasn't fallen from the path, betrayed another, acted
unwisely, fallen prey to temptation, given in to a craving or addiction?

All of us are human. And in God's eyes that makes us perfect.
Really. Just the way we are. Like 3-year-olds, looking anxiously
up at some elder, wondering with quivering lips whether we'll get
a spanking for breaking the rules...

The 3-year-old is beautiful in her innocence. He is pure as snow,
and there is simply something that has not been totally understood,
or fully integrated into behavior yet. It's okay. We don't mean to
be "bad." And in truth, we aren't. Not a one of us.

We're simply, sometimes, mistaken. And God loves us anyway.
Immensely. Completely. Eternally.

Just as we are.

Oh, and by the way, ...you already know
the reason that this particular reminder
came to you today...

Message for today! A video, this time.

Thank you for share, David Dango!

luni, 16 august 2010

This is God :)

"God gives you answers in three ways: 1. He says yes and gives you what you want; 2. He says no and gives you something better; 3. or He says wait and gives you the best."

Thank you for share, Ami.

duminică, 15 august 2010


No matter how bad your day seems to be, always remember there's somebody who's hours are worse. So be grateful for what you have, and never worry. Smile.

sâmbătă, 14 august 2010

A treia.

Inceputul te face atent...iti aduce aminte de o problema..un conflict nerezolvat si care n-are solutie inca... In acel moment te panichezi, ca apoi sa te dai cu capul de pereti zbatandu-te pentru ceva...ceva ce nu intelegi, dar totusi te zbati. Si ti-e frica...ti-e frica pentru ca nu stii sa infrunti ceva fara frica. Frica te domina si te doboara. Si nu stii ce sa faci cand ti-e frica. Vrei doar sa fugi, sa alergi, fara tinta, doar sa te indepartezi de problema. Si unde ajungi? Nicaieri, iti spun eu. Daca nu te opresti si nu lupti pentru tine, vei muri. Si atunci se va rupe tot. Odata cu tine se duc si grijile, stresul, bataile de cap...Dar atunci vei fi liber...cel mai liber...ca pasarea cerului albastru. Dar atunci vei avea si regretul ca nu ai luptat destul pentru viata ta, pentru tine...Si asta nu o mai poti schimba...Pentru ca...ai murit!

Daca nu ai altceva de facut, lupta pentru a alunga saracia din inimile oamenilor! Daca reusesti sa vindeci unul, poti muri linistit! De restul se ocupa Dumnezeu!

vineri, 6 august 2010

My mother used to say, when I had a problem: "Even this shall pass."
She also used to say, "When you are 90, how important
do you think this will seem?"  Then she would
advise me, "give it that same importance today."
I just thought I'd pass that on...

Cateva din filmele ce trebuiesc vazute neaparat intr-o viata de om.

the reader - Download torrent
the bucket list - Download torrent
pay it forward - Download torrent
august rush - Download torrent 
green mile - Download torrent 
the pursuit of happyness
celestine profecy
the secret

...restul le cautati voi.
Daca aveti si alte propuneri, le astept cu nerabdare. O zi frumoasa tuturor si vizionare placuta!

joi, 5 august 2010

marți, 3 august 2010