And that, of course, is always. So, since God is on your side, nothing can go wrong. Even if you should die, nothing will have gone wrong. Death is not the end of anything. It is simply your Continuation Day.
With regard to medicine then, and to all medical matters, follow your heart, listen to your soul, get good advice, then do what feels intuitively right.
You know exactly why you received this message today.
Love, Your Friend....

Ai mare dreptate:) Daca Dumnezeu nu e de partea ta, atunci nu te ajuta nici cele mai afurisite medicamente.
RăspundețiȘtergere"follow your heart, listen to your soul, get good advice, then do what feels intuitively right." :x you're totally right:d
@Deea: daca reusim sa constientizam faptul ca nimic nu ne poate face rau si ca totul e spre binele nostru, atunci...viata ar fi minunata!!! astept ziua asta de ceva am rabdare. Multumesc, Deea!!
RăspundețiȘtergereAr fi minunat sa constientizeze toti asta, dar din pacate sunt prea putini care gandesc ca noi.