Live like today is your last day...For some people really is the last day.
joi, 24 decembrie 2009
sâmbătă, 12 decembrie 2009
Let it snow...

Prima ninsoare din iarna asta. Nu s-a asezat decat foarte putin, insa copacii erau in majoritate o combinatie de alb si negru. Iarba din parc, inca verde, era acoperita ici si colo cu cate o palma de zapada. La primul contact fizic cu fulgii de nea am tremurat din toate incheieturile...am avut un sentiment extraordinar. In acel moment am intrat in comuniune cu tot. Fulgii erau singurii care ma puteau atinge. Simteam ca sunt singur intr-un camp intins, tot alb, si ninge peste mine cu cei mai mari si perfecti fulgi din Univers.
Mi-era dor sa simt racoarea zapezii. Sunt un iubitor impatimit de soare, dar natura este atat de fermecatoare uneori incat nu poti sa nu o iubesti in toata splendoarea ei. E minunat!
marți, 1 decembrie 2009
--- Message for today - There is no end ---
On this day of your life, My friend, I believe God wants you to know......that this is not the end, but the beginning. All endings start something better. It is inevitable.
Here is God's promise: Life proceeds, it never recedes. Life progresses, it never regresses. Not even death ends anything, so how much can this particular event matter?
It is true. When one door closes, another does open. The movement of life is ever upward. Six months from today you will know this. For now, trust it.
Do you think God does not know what He is doing?
Love, Your Friend....
marc puig - to start anew (Cafe Del Mar 25 Anniversary)
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